
Date: today's date

Attendees: @mention attendees


Add your Start doing, Stop doing and Keep doing items for future improvement.

Start doing

  • what's this meeting is for

Stop doing

  • what's this meeting is for

Keep doing

  • what's this meeting is for


List of other important information discussed in the meeting:

  • key information discussed in the meeting

Action items

List of action items for any open questions and further investigations:

  • action item assigned @mention due by when

allanswered knowledge management

Retrospective Template

If you want to improve the way you communicate with your team, then it's an excellent idea to collect feedback and see what can be improved. Many team members have brilliant ideas, so you need to find a way to make the most out of their unique perspective. The retrospective template is designed to help collect feedback from your team and capture it in a format that is easy to read.

How does Retrospective work?

A regular retrospective should capture the following:

  • things we need to start doing,
  • things that should be stopped,
  • and things that we did well and should continue.

The keys to run a successful retrospective include:

  • don't make it personal, and don't take it personally,
  • set a concrete scope for the discussion, for example, the last sprint,
  • and focus on improvement, rather than placing blame

Everyone should have an open mind and brainstorm actions that can be taken to improve problem areas. Collect notes and group similar or duplicate ideas. Discuss each idea as a team, and assign owners to the actions and due dates as necessary.

Why do you need to collect feedback?

With help from team feedback, you will be able to assess tasks and projects, see what's going well and what can be improved. It's the right way to take action and continuously improve your team's execution. If there are any issues, you can revisit and see what can be improved. The great thing with Retrospective is that you get a unique perspective from each team member. Sometimes people are so heads-down and so focused on the tasks that they failed to see the whole picture. The Retrospective is designed to bring in different perspectives to improve the issue.

Constructive feedback helps your team to grow, and being open to feedback makes your organization more transparent and agile. As a result, your team will become stronger and more productive in the long term.

Capture meeting information and feedback with Retrospective

The Retrospective template is designed to help you acquire feedback from your team and keep a record of important discussions and action items. It can be applied to different businesses and industries. Plus, it gives employees a voice and a platform to share their ideas. It helps organizations learn from their mistakes and keep growing.